Monday, May 2, 2011

Playthings, Playgrounds, and Playdates

There were a lot of organized activities, playgroups, playdates, etc. this weekend. There was spontaneity too but it was shadowed. It got me thinking:  In this city it is entirely possible to have over 500 people living in the space of one block. It isn't exactly easy to form relationships - I mean, you can easily meet someone and then never see them again. It takes a little work. Is it like this everywhere?

Thank God for the internet. I would say that the majority of my child's interactions with other kids is born out of relationships I formed with other moms online. I'm so thankful for this because these are cool women with stories to tell. I love knowing them and I love that our kids hang out together. Our paths would never have otherwise crossed.

Now for a confession: The word "playdate" kind of bums me out. Not the actual doing of the thing, because that part's great. Rather, it's the idea that we are so busy in our day-to-day lives and so spread out that the kids can't just wander down the block. At least, not where I live. It betrays my Norman Rockwell idea of all these kids born in the same neighborhood, graduating from high school together and being life-long friends. I know that isn't how it works. When I was growing up our parents were probably thrilled that there were kids in the neighborhood all about the same age. In reality, none of us really liked each other all that much and I doubt I'll ever see them again though I wish them well. So, it shouldn't bug me but it does.  There. I said it.


Moving on.

We hosted the Cole Valley Parents Network playgroup again on Friday. Fun but no pictures. I just don't know them well enough yet, you know?

Bug Day at the Randall Museum. Ada was not so interested in the organized activities there but she did make a butterfly with a party horn proboscis and tried to move tires. Mostly she just looked really cool on the walk there with her sunglasses.


I just want to point out the distant background in the pictures above and below. I live here. I know, can you even believe it because sometimes I can't? This city is beautiful!


We had a playdate with Kathi and Sarah. We've had a few since the last time I blogged about it but they were spread out and plans were often fraught by unexpected illness or last minute schedule changes. We're back on track and it's a good, good thing. We were there for over 2 hours and when it was time to go (dinner time had passed and bedtime was fast approaching) I literally had to haul Ada out under my arm literally kicking and screaming.

Check these two out. They're like old drinking buddies (Ada was double-fisting it there for a while). 

Sarah is a hat-addict. She took a quick break to try on Ada's hair clip. She gave it an honest try but still prefers hats. 

Kathi was on the other side banging on the plastic circles. The girls thought that this was hysterical. Like, nothing had ever been funnier in their whole lives ever. 

Sliding now includes a quick lounge at the bottom. 

Modern see-saw. Ada thought it was fun at first. Then she got worried followed by distinct unhappiness that included hanging on by any means necessary. Sarah, on the other hand, was an old pro and enjoying every second of the ride.
Sarah and Kathi monkey-in' around. 

A few of my favorites from the day:




Bottom line is that we'll keep doing playdates, playgroups, music class, etc. but I might start calling it something else. Something like, "we're meeting up with friends". Simple. Undefined. Much better.

1 Lovies:

Anonymous said...

That was me again who removed 1 lovie. I'll get this thing right sooner or later... (I have 2 google accts)

Original Comment:

I love the pictures of Ada & Sarah! They are both so adorable!!!

I love you bunches!!!