I remember it so well - 3 years ago right at this moment I was walking to my wedding with my mom, Maria, & Heather. I was so excited! The wedding we had planned was finally about to happen. Everything - every single part of that weekend - was perfect!! Everyone was ready to have fun and we were ready to give them another reason to celebrate! We had a great time and I think everyone there did too. Here we are in the photo booth signing the marriage certificate with out dear friend Matt who performed our wedding ceremony.
Today, life is very different in such a sweet and wonderful way. We went for a walk around our neighborhood with 6 month old Ada. Included in this walk was a hike to Corona Heights. The last time the three of us did this walk Ada was still an inside baby...and I was in labor. Here I am looking at San Francisco from Corona Heights at about 12 hours into my 36 hour labor.
And here is a family self-portrait from today.
We're headed over to Moira's tonight for a quiet time with friends. I'm excited - it's been a while since I've been without being pregnant or having to work the next morning!
Happy Anniversary Love!
Happy New Year everyone! I hope that 2010 is a year full of prosperity, fun times, and wonderful surprises for all.
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