It's time to order planner pages! SQUEE!!
Everyone who knows me IRL knows that I am a dedicated, die-hard Franklin Covey user. I have been using the planning system for 12 years now and I am convinced that I wouldn't have accomplished a thing without it. Oh, I have tried some variations on this general theme (software on my palm pilot, a spiral-bound year-in-one FC system) but never with good results. Financial constraints one year meant that I had to begin the year without my new planner pages. It was a complete disaster. Having learned my lesson the hard way I am sure to never start the year without my new planner pages and I don't deviate from the original system.
This year though I am trying a little twist: I designed my own planner pages. It was a complete PITA to gather, upload, and edit all the pictures that I wanted to use throughout the year in the planner. I got my pages today and I am soooooo excited!! They look great! I'll probably spend a good part of the day working on setting up my planner and thinking about my goals for the new year.
The other thing I'm trying to do is replace my old Spacemaker binder. The thing is 12 years old and falling apart. The newer ones they have are truly awful though - I mean, really gross. I might have to replace my rings and keep using this one.
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