It wasn't too bad!
It was great to see everyone and catch up. I got to see some of my old clients who had waited for me to come back - yay!! It's so nice to be appreciated. Really. Send your vet some happy mail. I like to read my happy mail on those days when everything is going so wrong.
I got to work with some relief vets who are just fantastic. I truly love the vets I work with - I have such genuine caring and concern for them. I'm happy to back among them. That's one of the very best parts of my job.
Ada did well with Alicia, our nanny. She actually reached out for her one morning as I was leaving for work! I didn't call home to check in on Monday as I was on ER and pretty busy. Alicia called me on Tuesday to let me know that Ada was doing well! So funny! I'm not worried about the immediate stuff...I was initially worried about getting back on the horse that is veterinary medicine. That's been fine. It really is like riding a horse although I find myself being a little slower and more deliberate - rechecking dosages and the like. It will all shake out in the wash given some time.
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