Delivered whole, alive, and free. That sums up the quest of my entire life. If I could wish for one thing that would be it. In that peaceful state I could be anyone. Without being a slave to judgment I could be any weight, any degree of coolness, (un)healthy, poor or rich, smart or stupid, a mother or not...everything would be a circumstance and nothing more. I've read books about various religions (conventional and not), and tried and tried again to reconnect with the catholic church, which I grew up in. I don't know where else to search for this kind of spiritual intervention. Is that part of what "grace" is? You can't earn it or ask for it - it's just given to you like a gift. You receive it and are (hopefully) thankful. Once that sea change happens, it's an integral part of you forever. Until that time you wait and yearn...
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