Thanksgiving was wonderful. We went over to Jen's parents house for dinner. The food was great, Ada was welcomed with open arms and the company was fantastic. After dinner we were sitting on the floor of the living room. Ada had decided that she was finished playing on the playmat so I had her in my lap. She was staring at Jen's dad with complete fascination. She reached for him so he took her to his lap and asked, "Does she have a pop pop nearby?" So sweet!
I spent Friday playing and snuggling with Ada. I didn't get out of my pajamas until almost 3:00!
Moira and I went to the farmers market and then took Ada to go shopping. Ada was a tropper but the timing was not so great as she fell asleep just minutes before I went into the dressing room. She was transferred easily to Moira and there she slept while I tried on party tops and tried to figure out what is going to work for me now. I'm pretty much back where I was pre-pregnancy but just cause you can squeeze into it doesn't mean it fits.
Dad and Rob brought crab and sourdough bread for lunch. We feasted! Yum!! As a souvenir from Mexica they brought a little dress for Ada. It's really cute. they also let us know that there will be no adult gift exchanges this year. It's been tough in real estate.
That night (Saturday was like having 3 days in one) we met Moira back over at Jen and Andrews house. It was fun to hang out with friends and I didn't want to see the weekend come to an end.
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