Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sleepy Weeks

Tim has asked me for the past 4 nights when I was going to put up a new blog post.

::Heavy Sigh:: Dude, I don't know.

I've been working on a guest blog post that I promised would be ready weeks ago. I finally sent it out tonight. It was an effort and that bums me out because I was really excited to write about this topic.

Here's the thing: I am super lucky that I had the easiest pregnancy possible with Ada. Never had morning sickness, hypertension, gestational diabetes, swollen ankles...nothing. I even wore my wedding rings the entire time. The one that stopped me in my tracks the first trimester was the incredible fatigue. There were nights when I would come home, drop my bags at the door, take off my shoes and go straight to bed with no dinner and not even bothering to change my clothes. I was seriously tired. Tim missed most of this because he spent a solid month on night float around this time.

This time around the fatigue is as pleasant and as ass-kicking as ever. However, now when I come home the job that kicks my ass on a daily basis even under the very best circumstances and drop my bags at the door it's so that I can swoop up my two-and-a-half-year-old toddler. I have to get her to bed. Bedtime for me is still a couple of long yearned-for hours away. There isn't nearly enough time to sleep as much as I really want to which means I am freaking bone-tired. And when I get tired I get crabby. I also feel no motivation to do much of anything other than eventually roll out of bed and onto the couch under a blanket where I can take a nap. Super inspiring. And luckily, super temporary. It'll pass in the next few weeks and besides, it's for a good reason. I'm not complaining. Rather, I'm explaining why I seem so damn lazy. Growing a human and the placenta and the blood volume needed to support it takes a damn lot of energy.


Even though I'm crabby and there isn't enough sleep on the planet to satisfy me and have had the same headache for 4 days now and nothing fits me right, Christmas was still good. We were busy enough and felt completely fine with only accepting a few invitations. It's not a race, it's Christmas. Sometimes that is a good thing to remind myself of. So we did stuff like go to the California Academy of Science with Kathi and Sarah.




Through my exhaustion even I can see that Christmas is a totally different experience with a kid in the house. We decorated the house and talked about Santa and watched the Grinch but I haven't spent much time cultivating the "magic". Our Elf on the Shelf never made it out of the box and most nights I totally forgot about the advent calendar I made. In fact, she opened no fewer than 2 nights in a row all month long. None of this seems to have mattered to Ada. She still ripped the paper from her gifts and said, "OH WOW!" more enthusiastically than any other toddler I've ever met. Especially considering she hadn't really seen what was under the wrapping paper yet.



She even got this excited about other kids gifts!


Mostly there was a lot of quiet time snuggling, playing, reading and baking. And it was perfect.


I hope you had a lovely Christmas and that the New Year is full of health, love and prosperity.
I'm going to sleep now. Good night.